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Role Models of the Year: Female Entrepreneurs You Should Know About

Post by Cecilia
Marketing Manager, pensopay.

The number of female entrepreneurs has increased. Denmark is a country that supports equality. We strive to create equality in the labor market and many other areas—but we’re not there... yet.

The entrepreneurial scene still lacks more women, as men remain much more visible in this field. We want to change that by highlighting Danish female entrepreneurs so that other women can be inspired to do the same.

Check out our picks for the coolest female entrepreneurs here.

What Percentage of Entrepreneurs are Women?

Only 8% of women in Denmark are new entrepreneurs. This is below the OECD average of 9.3%, as shown in the table below.

Last year, only 5% of Danish women were new entrepreneurs, and the OECD average was just 8.4%. While the numbers are still low, it’s a promising increase compared to last year.

Percentage of women aged 18-64 in the population who are new entrepreneurs, by country within the OECD, 2022/2023:

Source: Dansk Erhverv

What Explains the Low Percentage of Women Entrepreneurs?

The chart below shows the barriers women face in becoming entrepreneurs.

What are the main reasons for not wanting to start a new business in the next three years?

Source: Dansk Erhverv

A significant reason many women hesitate to pursue entrepreneurship is their belief that they lack the right skills for self-employment. Age also plays a role in holding them back.

How Can We Empower Female Entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in Denmark, contributing to wealth creation, economic growth, and boosting employment. That’s why it’s important to encourage more Danish entrepreneurs, including women.

According to an analysis by Dansk Erhverv, only 27% of entrepreneurs in Denmark are women.

This may partly be due to a lack of female role models and mentors.

While women may face many barriers and insecurities that hold them back from taking the leap, seeing others do it can significantly reduce that uncertainty. That’s why having role models is so important.

This year, 19% of all entrepreneurs have a female role model, compared to just 8% in 2020. This marks a significant increase, and the project can certainly be considered a success.

 Female Entrepreneurs You Should Know About

While women may not receive as many investments as their male counterparts, they excel at turning their investments into profitable revenue, generating 25% per 100 kr. This also demonstrates that women know how to run a business and create value for themselves and their customers.

A significant development among female entrepreneurs is that more have gained a female role model in 2023. Back in 2020, only 8% of all entrepreneurs had a female role model, while today that number has risen to 19%. This is an increase of 11% in just two years. A role model in the business world serves as a mentor for new entrepreneurs, helping to alleviate the uncertainty that can come with being an entrepreneur.

Don’t hesitate to pursue your dreams.
Denmark needs entrepreneurs to help boost prosperity—regardless of gender.

Here Are the 10 Female Entrepreneurs We Think You Should Know About

At pensopay, we want to celebrate female entrepreneurs, and here are some of those who have particularly stood out both nationally and internationally. Female entrepreneurs we think you should know about:

This year, two entrepreneurs you can’t overlook are Anne Stampe and Louise Herning Ellegaard, who participated in Løvens Hule earlier this year. Since then, they’ve appeared on the podcast “I kløerne på” where they discuss their beginnings as entrepreneurs and what has inspired them. Louise emphasizes, for instance, that you don’t need to come from CBS to start your own business. You can also learn more about Anne Stampe and her path to success, as well as the wise women she consults. You can listen to the podcast here.

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