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From Finance to Design: Maria's Bold Journey with Rebello Decor


Interview: Rebello Decor. 

Maria Thygesen, the founder of Rebello Decor, has embarked on an unexpected journey from a career in finance to pursuing her passion for design. She has built a business creating handcrafted, timeless lamps, which have already won awards. Read on and be inspired by Maria's courage and unique entrepreneurial journey.

You might recognize Maria from DR1’s entrepreneur show “The Lion’s Den,” which wrapped up its 9th season this year.

Maria appeared in Episode 7, where she presented her newly launched business, Rebello Decor, to the lions. You can watch her participation here. Rebello Decor specializes in interior design and sells beautiful lamps made of brass and opal glass. With a partner who had recently stepped away and a son newly diagnosed with infantile autism, Maria was under immense pressure, but that hasn’t stopped her from pushing forward.

Today, Maria has built a business and a well-known brand that brings her joy in everyday life. Her new entrepreneurial lifestyle is flexible and allows her to be there for her family, especially her son – something that is crucial for Maria.

Design School in Her Backyard: From Dream to Reality

“I was born in Korea and adopted by my family who lives in Kolding. I had a friend who studied at the Design School in Kolding, and I was so inspired by what he was doing. So, I told my mom that I had finally figured out what I wanted to do, but she said: ‘Listen, I think you should think really hard about this. I believe it's tough, and there’s a high chance you’ll end up studying for unemployment," Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.

Maria explains that her family didn’t have a lot of resources when she was growing up. For instance, she was told no when she wanted to attend boarding school and an international program because it was too expensive. This left a mark on Maria, and she decided that she didn’t want her own children to grow up in the same way.

Searching for the Right Career: From Design to Finance

Instead of attending design school, Maria and her friend moved to Copenhagen, where they embarked on a focused education tour. They aimed for the top three apprenticeships where you could earn the most money. “We were young, and we needed money to go out in Copenhagen. At the time, the choice was between freight forwarder, real estate agent, or financial employee. Real estate agent was quickly ruled out because they worked on Sundays, and we didn’t have time for that – we’d be hungover,” says Maria Thygesen.

This led Maria to a career in the financial sector, where she started as a bank trainee and later became a marketing manager. Maria describes it as a somewhat crazy way to start a career, but it turned into a successful one that lasted more than 17 years.


The Spark in Her Eyes: The Journey from Finance to Entrepreneurship

Becoming an entrepreneur wasn’t a decision I took lightly. I was 38 years old when I started my own business. Today, my husband and I have a holding company with three businesses.

We lived in a large house in Birkerød, but to grow the business, we took the drastic step of selling our home and moving to a smaller townhouse to free up funds. It was a challenge to cut back on our standard of living; we had been used to big cars, an au pair, and all the perks of a life of abundance. I felt increasingly suffocated by the consumerism monster we had created. The idea of only chasing money started to feel meaningless to me.

During the time spent buying, renovating, and selling houses, Maria was exposed to many different types of lighting. It was then that she realized how crucial proper lighting is—and especially the quality of it—for a room and a home in general.

"From that moment, a spark was ignited within me with a vision to create lighting of the highest quality. I wanted to aim for something that could not only withstand the wear and tear of time but also become an heirloom for future generations."

- Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.


It was quite a shift for Maria to go from the stable framework and steady income of the finance industry to bootstrapping and risking everything she owned to pursue her passion in an unknown field. The name "Rebello" comes from the word ‘rebel’ and is inspired by the idea of leaving the past behind and trying something entirely different. "The fact is, I didn’t really feel that free, even though I had a great deal of financial freedom," Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.

Rebello Decor's vision is to create designs that can last for generations, as Maria believes that a long product lifecycle is the key to a more sustainable lifestyle.

A Bright Success: Rebello Decor Takes the Stage at Illum

Maria shares that she was invited to an event at Illums Bolighus, where customers could meet the designer behind the products. There, Maria struck up a conversation with an older gentleman who told her that he had specifically come to meet her. "I bought your chandelier, 'Circle of Life,' as a wedding gift for my son and his fiancée because your design's message is so powerful," he said.

Rebello Decor's chandelier, Circle of Life, is inspired by the ebb and flow of life, with its ups and downs. This is exactly what life, and especially marriage, is all about. We all go through highs and lows in life, but it’s how we translate these experiences and rise again that shapes us.

"My journey here has been full of choices and sacrifices, and because of the vulnerable experiences I’ve had, particularly with my son and his diagnosis, it was amazing to feel that someone had truly understood the message," Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.


Circle of Life: Award Winner and Design Favorite 2023

In 2023, Rebello Decor’s ‘Circle of Life’ won Bolig Magasinet and BO BEDRE’s Design Favorite in the Chandelier category. The Design Favorite award is a reader's choice award decided by the readers of Bolig Magasinet and BO BEDRE. Twenty-three lucky winners are crowned across various categories, including entryway furniture, outdoor furniture, and table lamps, among others.

Maria’s Best Advice for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Reality

Maria's best advice for those looking to become entrepreneurs is to establish a clear strategy and plan while considering current life circumstances and commitments, as they can significantly impact your entrepreneurial journey.

“Personally, I managed this challenge by using funds from my real estate company, as well as personal savings, to finance my entrepreneurial business. I’ve seen many people say they want to become entrepreneurs, but on the other hand, they’re not willing to live on a shoestring,” Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.

Ask yourself:

What type of entrepreneur do I want to be?
I chose to bootstrap, but you can also seek funding or find investors if you don’t have the means yourself. There are as many nuances in entrepreneurship as there are job titles.

What risks are you willing to take?
This is where you should talk to your bank. What’s your credit score like? Can you borrow some money if things get tight? I made sure to have all of this in order before I started. If you don’t have it under control, you risk having to shut everything down.

Do you have a plan?
What’s the vision for your business? What are your goals, both financial and personal? For example, how long will it take to have a prototype if you’re looking to sell a physical product?

Set smaller goals to create progress. This way, you won’t set overly high expectations for your own performance, which could ultimately make you feel like a failure.

Finding Balance: Entrepreneurship, Passion, and Personal Challenges

"You can plan from here to the moon. At the same time, you have to remember that entrepreneurship is driven by passion. So it’s also about stepping out of your comfort zone and getting started with the project. As an entrepreneur, I believe you need to have a strong mindset and an inexhaustible passion for what you do. When my son was at his sickest, my nervous system was under immense pressure, on top of the fact that both of my former partners had thrown in the towel. So I am really proud that I stuck it out. But I also have a very strong fighter instinct."

- Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.


Why Maria Chose pensoay: An Entrepreneur's Perspective on Good Partnerships

“The reason I chose pensopay is because your cost and payment structure is great, especially when you're an entrepreneur. Additionally, you have a really good reputation. I posted in various entrepreneur groups asking which payment solution provider to choose, and I have to give it to you – you were mentioned the most times,” Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.

Maria explains that she listens closely to what other entrepreneurs have experienced and recommend, and there was no doubt in her mind which payment solution to choose. “As entrepreneurs, we all start from the same place – we have no money, and we fight tooth and nail every day to keep our businesses running. So, it’s crucial to choose reasonably priced partners that you can grow with,” Maria Thygesen, Rebello Decor.

Thank you for a great and inspiring conversation, Maria. We are proud to call you our partner.

Good luck with everything moving forward – we look forward to following your journey.

Team pensopay

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