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Din Camp: Spend your summer in Denmark and build lifelong friendships


Interview: Din Camp. 

Din Camp creates unique vacation experiences that bring together children, teens, and families. With over 25 years of experience and success on Løvens Hule (Denmark’s version of Shark Tank), they offer a community-driven alternative to the traditional holiday. Read on to discover what makes Din Camp truly special.

Jonas and the team behind Din Camp have over 25 years of combined experience hosting camps for kids, teens, and families. Based on a concept from 2004, the company was officially founded in 2010.

In January 2023, the three partners appeared on Løvens Hule on DR1, where Jesper Buch and Morten Larsen (founder of Hungry.dk) invested in the project. Alongside Sandra Larsen and Jacob Nørregård, Jonas leads Din Camp, organizing over 30 camps each year across Denmark, offering five types: SportsCamp, FamilyCamp, LearningCamp, GirlpowerCamp, and MakerCamp.

"We are part of the experience economy and have specialized in vacation experiences. Our camps are open to everyone. Fortunately, there are many great opportunities for children and teens across the country, but many of them are locally based. We’ve aimed to create camps that aren’t tied to geography, where people can come from near and far to join a community of other young people who share the same interests."

- Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.


Online Collaboration Drives Success: How Din Camp Manages Three Businesses in One

Sandra Larsen and Jacob Nørregård work from Copenhagen, while Jonas Herlev operates out of Silkeborg. Communication primarily takes place online.

Din Camp is essentially a fusion of three companies. Jonas holds a bachelor’s degree in sports and a master’s in public health. He started his career at a company organizing sports camps and has been involved in camps his entire adult life. He even worked as an instructor during his student years, which is when he first met Jacob. Jonas has been working with camps since 2010.

Sandra holds a bachelor's degree in nutrition and health, while Jacob has a master’s degree in sports and German, with experience as both a primary and high school teacher.

Fight or Flight?

Has your business come to a halt? Canceling events? What are the latest guidelines this week?

Navigating the experience industry during COVID-19 was extremely difficult. This is when Jonas, Sandra, and Jacob came together. They decided to join forces and create even more experiences for people, which ultimately became what Din Camp is today.

A Summer Without Nintendo: Din Camp's Alternative to Traveling Abroad

Din Camp operates as a domestic travel agency with the mission of offering an exciting alternative to vacations abroad.

“Summer break is really long, and parents often don’t have as much vacation time as their kids. That’s where Din Camp steps in as a fun alternative to just sitting at home with a Nintendo. Instead, kids can get out and be part of an amazing community,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Family Camp and Sports Universes: Din Camp’s 5 Unique Worlds

FamilyCamp is Din Camp’s version of a family high school, which is already a popular concept in Denmark. It welcomes everyone—young, old, and even grandparents.

In addition, Din Camp offers four other unique worlds for kids and teens: SportsCamps, LearningCamp, GirlpowerCamp, and MakerCamp, their tech-focused camp where participants can learn to code, build robots, and dive into the exciting world of technology.

"We’ve created a universe where we specialize in different themes because it’s not something you find in many places in Denmark. Our focus is on building communities in a relatively short amount of time."

- Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Din Camp holds its camps at Danish boarding schools, which are vacant during the summer holiday periods.

"Our goal is to extend the camp season to include options for fall and winter breaks. We also want to introduce smaller camps, such as weekend camps," Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

A Chance Decision Took Din Camp to Løvens Hule

Din Camp had been running for two years when they decided to apply for Løvens Hule.

“Five or six days before the application deadline, we decided to apply for Løvens Hule. It was right before summer, so the timing wasn’t ideal. When we got accepted, it was a mix of excitement and concern, we thought, ‘How will we find the time for this?’ But luckily, we made it work,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Participating in a program like Løvens Hule as a young company was a healthy process, Jonas explains. It forced them to define a clear mission and vision for Din Camp. “Why are we doing this? Where do we want to go? Do we still love it, even after running camps for so many years?
Fortunately, we all agree that we love what we do. But it was a valuable process to go through. Løvens Hule was a gift in that sense—it was a fantastic experience from start to finish. The production team was kind and very understanding of our situation,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Everything turned out positively—something they hadn’t necessarily expected. They knew their case was a bit different from the other participants’.

Not Everyone Was Enthusiastic

One of the investors, Anne Stampe, highlighted Denmark’s strong tradition of community organizations and saw Din Camp as a competitor to this established system.

“Our project sparked a debate among the investors, which we were perfectly okay with. We thought it was a valid discussion to have. We don’t want to be seen as a competitor because all three of us are deeply involved in community organizations ourselves, so that’s not the intention behind Din Camp,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Seasonal Success: How Jonas and the Team Survive a Summer Without Vacation

A summer without vacation is a reality for many entrepreneurs, but for Jonas and his team, it’s literal. Summer is the peak season for Din Camp.

“We are extremely seasonal. As soon as May and June hit, I’m rarely at home. My summer vacation is far from traditional. That’s when we travel around to visit all the camps to ensure our guests and team have a great experience. Thankfully, our better halves understand this by now, but we’re more flexible at other times of the year."

- Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.


It’s clear that Jonas is passionate about his work, and the collaboration with Jacob and Sandra is a perfect match.

“It would be impossible to run this alone. I couldn’t do it at all. With so many different camps and everything that comes with planning and logistics, it’s essential to have a team. The camps also vary in content, but we’re all specialists in our areas, whether it’s sports, learning, or tech camps. Our team is perfectly balanced,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Finding Balance Between Work and Family: Jonas’ Best Entrepreneurial Advice

“I believe balance is crucial to avoid burnout. It varies from person to person, but there has to be harmony between social life, family life, and work. That balance also changes depending on where you are in life. Mine was very different before I had two kids; back then, I could spend many more hours at the office,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

“Having two small children, balance is crucial for me. That doesn’t mean you can’t work hard or put in long hours, but finding the balance between being there for my two kids and having a supportive partner is really important to me,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Celebrating the Small Wins: How Din Camp Keeps the Energy High in a Fast-Paced Industry

Participating in Løvens Hule forced Jonas and his team to take a step back and evaluate both the business and themselves.

“Sometimes things move so fast that we forget to celebrate the small victories. It’s something we’ve talked about internally, and we can still get better at it,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

When the pace is intense, it’s easy to hit a goal and immediately move on to the next without pausing. “It’s important to take a moment, give each other a high five, and say, that was amazing, we did it, before rushing ahead,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

“I clearly remember our first milestone in 2021 when we reached 1,000 participants in our camps. It was a huge moment for us. We met online and simply said, ‘Well done.’ It didn’t need to be more than that, but it was important to mark the achievement,” Jonas Herlev, Din Camp.

Thank you so much for the chat, Jonas. We are proud to call you and Din Camp our partner.

Team pensopay.

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