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Acquirer Demands

 What is required to obtain a payment acquiring agreement?

To set up an online payment solution, two things are required: a payment gateway and a payment acquiring agreement.

The acquiring agreement is made with a so-called acquiring bank, and regardless of which acquirer you choose, they will impose requirements on the webshop to comply with, among others, the regulations from the Consumer Agency, Visa & Mastercard, and the EU Consumer Law. These requirements are listed below:

  1. Contact Information
    There must be, at a minimum, a phone number and email contact either at the bottom or top of your site. Alternatively, a "contact page" with this information is also acceptable.

  2. Legal Business Information – matched with the CVR registry
    The business name & legal structure, business address, and CVR number must be clearly accessible on the site. We recommend placing this information in the footer so customers can always find it. It is also acceptable to include it under a possible contact page or "about us" page.

    The business must be registered with a registration number in an EU27 country or in Norway or Switzerland. In principle, the company must be registered as the owner of the domain from which payments are made or initiated. The site must meet the following:

  3. Actual product price and pricing information
    The actual price of the goods or services, including all taxes, fees, and other costs, must be stated on the webshop. If the total price cannot be specified in advance, you must explain how it is calculated.
    B2B: For B2B transactions, prices may be listed excluding VAT.

  4. Terms and Conditions
    The terms must include; delivery method, 14-day right of withdrawal, 2-year warranty according to the applicable consumer law, and a note that payment will only be collected once the product(s) are shipped. We recommend creating your own terms and conditions.

    Additional information: A) 14-day right of withdrawal
    When a customer uses their right of withdrawal, the webshop must refund the amount paid by the customer, including the business's shipping costs, etc. However, the webshop may require the customer to pay their own return shipping costs.

    B) 24-month warranty
    Consumer law grants the customer a two-year warranty, which cannot be shortened, nor can the warranty be excluded for certain parts of the product. The warranty may expire before the end of the two-year period if the product is not intended to last two years or is naturally worn out before the deadline.

  5. Privacy Policy
    It must be clear that the webshop respects the importance of privacy on the internet and will not disclose customer information to third parties unless necessary to complete a transaction. Additionally, it must be stated that the webshop will not sell the customer’s name, address, email address, credit card details, or personal data to any third party without the customer's prior permission. Note that if you have created terms using our generator, a privacy policy is included. Alternatively, you can create a privacy policy for your business here.

  6. Transparency
    There must be a direct link to the "terms and conditions" from the homepage.

  7. Checkout
    At checkout, just before proceeding to payment, it must be possible for the customer to check "I have read and accept the terms and conditions," and these must be clickable so the customer can read the terms.

    Using Shopify? Read this helpful guide.

  8. Visible Visa and Mastercard card logos
    These should be visible on the homepage and at the payment window. They can be downloaded here.

  9. Webshop’s domain name
    Note that the business operating under a given domain must be listed as the registrant of that domain – This can easily be done via DK-Hostmaster.dk – if it is a (.dk) domain.

    A) For (.eu/.com/.nu, etc.), please provide domain documentation showing that the business is the domain registrant. This can be a receipt from the purchase (showing the business name + domain) or a screenshot of your profile on the hosting provider’s site (showing the business name + domain).

    B) Sole proprietorships are exempt from this requirement, provided the business owner's name is listed as the registrant.

    If you need to change the registrant, read more here.

PS: If you offer subscription solutions, remember the following requirements

a. Subscription Terms
The subscription terms must include; membership creation, binding period, cancellation information, and a note on when the first payment will be charged and future charges. We recommend creating your own subscription terms here.

b. Checkout
At checkout, just before proceeding to payment, the customer must be able to check "I have read and accept the subscription terms," and these must be clickable so the customer can read the terms.

Using Shopify? Read this helpful guide.

You can create your terms and conditions using our generator here.