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Errant's Journey Toward a Sustainable and Innovative Sneaker World

Post by Pierre (Eng)

Interview: Errant.

For Christian Arnstedt, Errant began in 2020 with a feeling that something new needed to happen. The dream of a sneaker brand that unites sustainability and quality quickly became a reality. Since then, Errant has taken the market by storm – a story of courage, innovation, and passion.

This dream was rooted in two central ideas: to create a physical product and to improve the market. Christian was convinced that he could create something better than what already existed, and he had a burning desire to work with a tangible product.

Three Visionary Minds: How the Dream Became Reality

When Christian first realized he needed to jump into the project, he contacted two people he knew he absolutely had to have on board. One was Mads, a childhood friend from the same small town in Northern Jutland. The other was Rasmus, whom Christian met while teaching at the University of Southern Denmark. There were clear and specific reasons why Christian chose these two. Both possessed skills that he knew would be critical in the long run.

Christian knew that he needed Mads on the project- if not as a partner, then at least as a sounding board. Mads’ experience in the fashion industry made him indispensable, as he could bring ideas and perspectives based on concrete knowledge, not just guesswork. Rasmus was selected for what Christian calls his "entrepreneurial spirit." This was essential to ensure they would continuously think outside the box and avoid stagnation.

Entrepreneurial Spirit in Practice: Step Outside and Find the Answers

I couldn’t help but ask Christian what he meant by "entrepreneurial spirit." He hesitated briefly before quoting a phrase, which in Danish goes: 

"There are no facts within the four walls of a building, so get outside."

- Christian Arnstedt, Errant 

By this, Christian means that you can't assume you have all the necessary knowledge by staying where you are. Instead, you need to get out and gather insights directly from the consumers and the people you want to engage with your product.

From Idea to Action: How Errant’s Sneaker Became a Reality

The idea was to create a sneaker brand, but not just any sneaker. The young entrepreneurs set clear standards for themselves and their business. The sneakers had to meet high standards in both price and quality. Additionally, both the materials and the business model had to be sustainable. So, what does it mean to create a sustainable sneaker? At Errant, it means the leather is certified, and careful thought is given to where and how the shoes are produced.

After gathering insights from a large portion of their target audience, they moved forward with developing the physical product. They found a shoe factory in Portugal, and the process of sending sneakers back and forth began. Due to the pandemic, it wasn’t possible to visit the factory and finalize the first model in one go. Instead, the sneakers were shipped back and forth between Errant and the factory, which slowed the process but allowed time for careful design considerations.

Although they had a clear idea of the sneaker they wanted to produce, they didn’t jump straight into production. Before Christian, Mads, and Rasmus started manufacturing, they gathered a lot of information. They surveyed over 1,000 young men about their expectations for sneakers, including materials, quality, and price. This reflected Errant’s approach to business development: you first need to get out of the building and understand the market from the consumer’s perspective.

Before the final design was confirmed and production began, they had already sold several pairs. Christian, Mads, and Rasmus did something different, they started a presale while still gathering information from their target audience. While asking questions about what the sneakers should look like, what materials they should be made of, and how much they should cost, they simultaneously sold the product. The first shipment of ready-to-wear sneakers arrived in Denmark in November 2020. In just six months, the three had come together, started a company, and turned an idea into reality.


Kicking Into High Gear

Errant is a sneaker brand that refuses to stand still and truly embraces the philosophy of "getting out of the building." In the year since their first sneakers hit the Danish market, the company has seen impressive growth. To summarize some of their most remarkable achievements, here are a few highlights:

  • In just one year, they have expanded from offering one men’s model to now having 11 men’s models and 7 women’s models.

  • Their wide-ranging collaborations with other brands not only generate attention for their products but also reinforce their brand identity.

  • Their commitment to running a sustainable business based on slow fashion principles demonstrates a clear dedication to both environmental responsibility and product quality.

The Sneaker of the Future: Sustainability and Quality as the Foundation

Errant's sustainable business model is built on close engagement with their target audience, enabling a direct online sales channel without intermediaries, which keeps costs down. They prioritize the environment by using certified leather and manufacturing in Portugal to reduce transport distances and support the local economy. At the same time, they collaborate with brands that share their values, supporting the social aspect of sustainability. Errant follows a slow fashion approach, producing in small batches to minimize waste and ensure they only create what the market demands, making their process both economically and environmentally responsible.

No Big Plans, Just Big Dreams: The Future of Errant

Errant doesn’t have an elaborate master plan but focuses on creating a product people love, with a strong emphasis on price and quality. They believe that if their sneakers can appeal to a 28-year-old in Denmark, they can also succeed in markets like Holland and Norway. While their first physical store opened in Aalborg, the online business remains their primary focus. Pop-up shops are also being considered to increase visibility. With a strong brand identity and a targeted marketing strategy, Errant continues to refine its product and strengthen its visual identity through collaborations, such as with the Danish scooter champion.

The Collaboration with pensopay: How Errant Simplified Payments

Errant wasn’t using pensopay from the beginning. When they first started, they made quick decisions focused on finding a solution that was simple and affordable. After operating for about a year, they decided to reassess their systems to see where they could optimize. That’s when they turned to us. They discovered that pensopay offered a great product at a competitive price, and many of their partners were already using us. Our solution allowed them to streamline everything in one place, making the process much simpler—and it worked perfectly for them.

An all-in-one solution that makes things easy and convenient for companies like Errant, who prefer not to spend too much time on such tasks.

In addition to our all-in-one solution, good customer service was a key factor for Errant. They prioritize creating a personal experience for their customers, which reflects our approach at pensopay. Our Danish customer service is always available, so they never have to wait weeks for a response. Ultimately, we both operate in the people-business. While our products may be material or technical, it’s about treating users well, and that’s something Errant immediately recognized and appreciated in us.

Clarity and Confidence: How the Right Payment Solution Made a Difference During Black Week

There has only been one instance where Errant needed to contact pensopay since adopting our solution. In fact, on this occasion, it was us who took the initiative. It happened at the start of Black Week when we removed their capture limit, as we deemed them to be a secure and legitimate business. We informed them via email, and they called us to ensure everything was in order. Christian describes the experience like this:

"I was on a train to Copenhagen when I got the email. My first thought was, 'Are we missing any sales now?' I quickly called pensopay, and we got it sorted right away. It’s such a relief to be able to call directly when you receive an important message," Christian Arnstedt, Errant

This experience is one of the main reasons why Errant is happy to recommend pensopay to others.

Get Started and Optimize Later

If you're an entrepreneur dreaming of starting your own business, here are a few pieces of advice from Christian:

Know Your Product!
Ask yourself these questions:
  • Is it something new?

  • Why does the market need me?

  • Do I stand out from the competition?

Find good partners!
  • Get to know them well and understand how you can help each other.

  • Do your homework thoroughly

Remember: You can always tweak and optimize later- what’s most important is to just get started!

Thank you so much, Christian and Mads, for giving us a glimpse into your fantastic business! We’re incredibly proud to call you our partner. Best of luck on your journey ahead; we can’t wait to follow along!

Team pensopay.

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