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Camilla Lykke: Ironman and Entrepreneur with a Passion for Performance


Interview: Camilla Lykke. 

Camilla Lykke runs two businesses from her home in Ebeltoft while training daily for Ironman. At 33, she has created a lifestyle where her passion for both sport and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. Read on to discover how Camilla combines her drive and dedication to succeed in both business and sport.

Although Camilla doesn’t immediately identify as a typical entrepreneur, she runs two businesses from her home in Ebeltoft. Camilla Lykke, 33 years old, is a triathlete and entrepreneur, and she has structured her life to pursue her true passion: the highly demanding sport of triathlon. More specifically, Ironman, which is considered one of the most challenging disciplines.

An Ironman is a multisport competition consisting of a 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride, and a 42.2 km run.


My workdays are very different. No two days are the same. Right now, I train between 3-4 hours a day. I’ve created a work life that gives me freedom and flexibility,” Camilla Lykke.

We were thrilled to welcome Camilla to our office in Vejle, where she gave us an in-depth look into what it’s like to be both a triathlete and an entrepreneur.

Camilla is a cheerful yet thoughtful woman. It’s clear that she takes her decisions and her training very seriously. While most people wouldn’t be able to maintain a daily routine like hers, Camilla speaks naturally about her intensive training. It’s a dedication that seems ingrained in who she is as a person.

From a Slow Start to Ironman: How a Bike Changed Everything

Camilla’s interest in extreme sports came later in life. Like many young girls in Denmark, she started by playing handball and soccer. However, she felt the need for more variety in sports so that she could challenge herself in new ways.

“I had recently bought a mountain bike and wanted to put it to use. So, in 2014, I signed up for my first mini-triathlon, where you swim 400 meters, bike 18 kilometers, and run 4 kilometers. I remember being passed by all these fast racing bikes, and I just thought: ‘I need one of those,’” Camilla Lykke.

After getting the right bike, Camilla was hooked on the sport and has since completed four Ironman races, earning two first-place finishes and one second-place finish.

“This variety that Ironman offers is what got me hooked, and at the same time, it gives me a lot of mental clarity. I struggle with social anxiety, which isn’t something I can train away, but when I train, I gain the mental clarity to handle these challenges. And I guess I just like things to be tough,” Camilla Lykke.

The Road to the Top: Secrets to Becoming the Best

“It basically just requires that you train a lot if you want to be good. I’m driven by constantly becoming a better version of myself and growing—not just physically, but I’ve also realized how much there is to gain from mental development,” Camilla Lykke.

It’s evident that Camilla possesses both a strong personal power and a competitive edge that is bigger than she even realizes. This is likely necessary to complete such an extreme sport as Ironman.

As the conversation turns to where Camilla finds her motivation for doing multiple Ironman races, winning is, of course, a big factor, but there’s much more to gain from the sport.



"My motivation comes from the mental clarity I get after training. I see a lot of beautiful nature, and it's really wonderful, especially when the weather is good—it's just a great way to be outside. Additionally, I feel really good after I’ve trained, and of course, I want to be number one."


Inspiration from Within: Camilla’s Personal Drive Behind Her Success

“There are a lot of strong athletes in Denmark who do really well. But I think I actually draw my inspiration from myself and the feeling it gives me,” Camilla Lykke.

Camilla elaborates that, naturally, it’s also incredibly satisfying to see herself on the podium as number one. For her, triathlon has been a turning point in her life. She describes it as a clear before and after moment.

“Since my first triathlon race, I’ve been training and competing in triathlons, and now I see myself as a triathlete,” Camilla Lykke.

Ironman or Lifestyle? Who Takes on the Ultimate Challenge in Extreme Sports?

“I think there are two types of people: Some want it on their CV, while others live and breathe for it, where being a triathlete becomes a part of your identity,” Camilla Lykke.

Camilla is well aware that her life looks a bit different from that of a typical 33-year-old woman. But that’s how it goes when passion becomes a lifestyle. Although Camilla has dedicated her life to training, she reassures us that you don’t necessarily have to do the same to complete an Ironman. “You don’t need to train as much as I do to participate. In the first few years of competing, I only trained 8-10 hours a week, which was enough to finish. However, now I train 15-20 hours a week,” Camilla Lykke.

The desire and competitive spirit must be present, and the mental aspect is critical. On the day you complete your Ironman, it’s 80% mental and 20% physical training. While you’re racing, every part of your body is screaming for you to stop because it hurts.

“So, if you want to be good at extreme sports, you have to be really good at having those internal dialogues and talking down those negative thoughts. I think that’s what separates the best from the rest,” Camilla Lykke.

Entrepreneur by Necessity: How Flexibility Leads to Success

We spent a lot of time talking about Camilla as a triathlete, but we also had time to discuss her career as an entrepreneur. It’s not an easy job being an entrepreneur, even though it might look like that to others.

"I’ve been self-employed my entire working life, so it’s hard for me to imagine not being self-employed. The flexibility in my work life has allowed me to train as much as I do now. I think many people wonder, ‘But doesn’t she work? Or how can she train for four hours on a Tuesday morning?’ But I don’t share everything on my Instagram-profile. For example, you don’t see me working in the evenings or all day on a Sunday." 


Camilla points out that it may sound like a cliché to say that people become entrepreneurs to gain freedom and flexibility over their workday. However, for Camilla, it has been a necessary career choice.

“If I had to work a regular 9-to-5 job, my brain would overheat because of my social anxiety. It means that I can get overwhelmed after social situations, like being here with you today. I might even struggle to get anything done tomorrow. Becoming an entrepreneur has been my saving grace. I can’t manage a typical 9-to-5 job where I only have energy sometimes. My current workday suits my social anxiety much better,” Camilla Lykke.


The Family Behind the Success: Camilla’s Secret Strength for Ironman

When Camilla visited us, we had the pleasure of meeting her mother, Gitte. Camilla shared that she couldn’t have done it without her and the rest of her amazing support system.

“My family supports me a lot in my triathlon dreams. They always have my back, are understanding, and incredibly helpful. My mom and brother are always with me at races, whether it's in Copenhagen, Hawaii, Lanzarote, or Portugal. It means a lot to me, but it’s just as meaningful that we get to share these experiences together,” Camilla Lykke.

“In addition, pensopay also supports me through their sponsorship. Triathlon is an expensive sport to be a part of. You can do it without support, but if you want to be number one, you have to go all in, and that means there are some things you just can’t compromise on,” Camilla Lykke.

Positivity Attracts Positivity: Camilla Lykke and pensopay as the Perfect Match

“I think the match between pensopay and me is really good. I had followed you on Instagram before we even had a conversation, and you gave me the impression of a great atmosphere. I remember thinking: ‘They’ve got good energy!’ That means a lot to me because I try to live by the philosophy that positivity attracts positivity. The more positivity you have in your life, the more you’ll attract,” Camilla Lykke.

Camilla is often approached by different people wanting to collaborate, and she is deeply grateful for that. However, for Camilla, it’s crucial that the match is just right.

"As a triathlete, I want to be the best. In the same way, many entrepreneurs use your solution because they want to be the best – whether it’s to satisfy their customers or further develop their business. Understanding that you can’t compromise on your equipment as an entrepreneur, especially if you have ambitions and dreams, is important to me. That’s why you choose the best on the market," Camilla Lykke.

2024 on the Horizon: Camilla Lykke’s Journey Toward New Goals

Camilla’s plan for 2024 is to complete the Copenhagen Ironman on August 18th. She is training with focus and determination to become the best version of herself and perform as fast as possible. We are hopeful and confident that Camilla will be among the fastest competitors in the field. No matter what, Camilla has decided to enjoy every training session, as this brought great results in 2023. Her main focus was to stay present in the moment, which led to impressive outcomes.

Thank you so much for the conversation, Camilla. We are proud to sponsor you on your triathlon journey.

We look forward to following your progress and cheering you on every step of the way.

Best regards,

Team pensopay

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